British Telecom telephone exchange, Hove |
Failing standing seam copper roof removed and recycled then a new vapour barrier was laid followed by 100mm insulation quilt and a new roof covering of 0.6mm thick british steel secret fix stramit speeddeck. |
Over sheeted with secret fixed HPS200 coated Speeddeck roof sheeting. |
New Malden, Surrey industrial unit. |
Over roof of 1300 sq. metres of existing failed secret fix roof sheeting and polycarbonate barrel volted rooflights using an ash grid proprietary support bar system 100mm insulation quilt and 0.7mm plastisol coated steel sheeting. the existing internal eaves gutters were overlaid with new gam galvanised steel gutters and the external gutters were replaced with shadowline double sided plastisol eaves gutter supported off of the new roof sheeting used purpose made support arm brackets. |
Basingstoke and Dean district council, Basingstoke. |
Refurbishment of machinery store. existing single skin asbestos cement sheeting replaced with 1100 sq. metres of composite panels and 40 sq. metres of factory assembled rooflights. |
Inidam Ltd, Budds lane, Romsey, Hampshire |
Exterior enhancement of brickwork using stramit 280 secret fix cladding with metallic silver finish fixed to treated timber battens hammer fixed into the existing brickwork, including the provision of feature entrance canopy |
Mrt Castings Andover, Hampshire. |
30 year old asbestos cement sheet roof and glass rooflights to foundry roof replaced with eternit 2000 fibre cement sheets and man safe grp rooflights. smoke vents replaced with air force ltd mechanical extract system. |
Overlaid with a fully adhered fleece backed single ply membrane |
Mrt Castings Andover, Hampshire. |
30 year old asbestos cement sheet roof and glass rooflights to foundry roof replaced with eternit 2000 fibre cement sheets and man safe grp rooflights. smoke vents replaced with air force ltd mechanical extract system. |
Ministry of Defence Joint Forces sailing school Gosport, Hampshire |
External refurbishment of teaching blocks including provision of 1100 sq. metres of filon grp i big 6 matching profile rooflights to oversheet the existing asbestos cement roof sheeting. project also included installation of new upvc eaves guttering and external brickwork window and door redecoration. |
3663 First for Food formally Booker Food Services Downton, Wiltshire |
Refurbishment of warehouse facility. single skin asbestos cement sheeting replaced with 1200 sq. metres of composite panels, eaves hung gutters, new galvanised steel valley gutters. |
Brewers Weymooth, Interior Redecoration |
Under purlin internal liner panel & insulation installed to enhance appearance whilst retaining ceiling height. |
Market Lavington School Wiltshire new science school |
Provision of new secret fix acoustic roof for classroom and labortories for the school using speeddeck soundroof with perforated liner & acoustic insulation. |
Frenchay hospital Bristol. bow over eaves to eaves roof. |
800 sq. metres over roof of failing built up felt roofs using a light section galvanised steel purlin fixed into the existing decking vapour barrier and insulation quilt and a new roof covering of 0.6mm thick british steel secret fix stramit speeddeck. external shadowline double sided plastisol eaves gutters were installed on both external elevations supported off of the new roof sheeting using purpose made support arm brackets. |
Using a site assembled & insulated double skin roofing with factory |
assembled rooflights. Elevations over clad with treated timber support battens all in goosewing grey plastisol. |
“3663” Lee Mill Devon. |
Replacement of 46no. smoke vents and roof lights with colt “see fire” ventilators and new high exposure ridge flashing. |
Supplied and installed to create a machinery enclosure. |
Using secret fixed product from Speeddeck building systems. |
Profiled double sided eaves gutter system supported by brackets fixed to the crown of the roofing sheet to form an attractive, low maintenance, functional eave fascia and gutter detail.
Hamble Aero Structures aircraft fuselage workshop |
Over roof of 800 sq. metres of failed steel sheeting using proprietary support bar system, 80mm quilt insulation and 0.7mm plastisol coated steel sheeting and new rooflights including replacement of the existing internal skin. |
Various roof repairs carried out along with gutter clean and debris removal from a large in places totally inaccessible roof on this large industrial plant. 65 metre reach achieved using crane with fly jib. |
SCT Southampton Container Terminals Southampton. |
Major structural alteration to increase building height and provide new floor, building then reclad & roofed. The need for greater headroom within the workshops to enable larger container cranes to be serviced resulted in the provision of an additional storey and high bay roller shutter door. 1200 sq. metres of roof and cladding was fixed formed from 0.4mm liner panel, ash grid support bar, 100mm insulation quilt and 0.55mm thick british steel profiled steel top sheet. |
Ridgeway School Wroughton Wiltshire. |
Re-roof of sports hall. Works carried out under temporary roof to protect sprung maple floor, re-roof of school sports hall using speeddeck soundroof with perforated liner & acoustic insulation. |
Felt, asbestos cement and existing profiled steel sheets over roofs |
Flat to pitch conversion of wood, wool, slab and felt. |
Flat to pitch conversion on concrete slab and asphalt. |
Site assembled timber and prefabricated timber truss flat to pitch conversions |
Norma Products Newbury Berkshire |
Strip and resheet of double skin asbestos cement roof, temporary safety and debris nets provided internally. New roof insulated composite panels with factory assembled double skin rooflights insulated valley gutter and external GAM gutters |
Liverpool Victoria formerly Frizzel Insurance, Frizzell House, Poole, Dorset. |
Major flat to pitch conversion to create new plant room, the need to provide a new plant room and to upgrade the roof of this 40 year odd building resulted in the provision of an additional storey plant room. the 2200 sq. metre roof was formed from a 0.7mm walkable liner panel, ash grid support bar, 100mm high density insulation batts, breather membrane, vapour barrier with a top sheet of 0.6mm thick british steel secret fix stramit speeddeck. |